Lessons for Office Designers From Cutting-Edge Airport Innovations

Lessons for Office Designers From Cutting-Edge Airport Innovations

Many of the nation’s largest airports have recently undergone multi-billion-dollar transformations that reimagine outdated terminals as modern, innovative, and sustainable spaces for the millions of travelers that pass through them every year. These ambitious renovations—like those at Portland International Airport (PDX) in Oregon and LaGuardia Airport in New York City—offer valuable lessons for office facilities managers and designers. From energy management and sustainability to improving occupant experience and space optimization, these airport projects demonstrate how thoughtful design can meet the needs of modern users.

Something old, but mostly new...

Innovation taking flight...

Lessons for office design...


RSK: This is not just for airports but for office structures as well. The idea of thermal heating and cooling is a bit more difficult because the office footprint is usually much smaller than the airport which has many acres to make geothermal a cost effective option.

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- - Volume: 25 - WEEK: 5 Date: 1/28/2025 2:52:12 PM -