52% Of Federal Office Leases Can Be Terminated By End Of Trump`s Term

52% Of Federal Office Leases Can Be Terminated By End Of Trump`s Term

If President-elect Donald Trump wants to accelerate the government`s downsizing of its office footprint to cut costs, he`ll have plenty of opportunities.

Roughly 52% of the federal government`s leased office portfolio either has lease expirations or termination options between now and the end of 2028, according to an analysis of General Services Administration data from S&P Global Ratings.

The majority of that space is from expiring leases, totaling about 59.2M SF, while another 18.5M SF has termination options...


RSK: This will add to the office glut in DC and other cities. Also 48,000 Federal Employees have permanently signed up for remote work before Trump`s inauguration.

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