Plans for 76-unit development in Madison move forward

Plans for 76-unit development in Madison move forward

Plans for a 76-unit mixed use, multifamily development got an early approval in Madison.

Fond du Lac-based Volker Development wants to build a five-story building at the corner of East Washington and North Seventh Street. The developer must rezone and consolidate several parcels, as well as demolish four houses and a former muffler shop before construction can start.

The city of Madison Plan Commission on Monday approved demolition permits and conditional uses, city planning staff said. The commission also recommended approval for rezoning and a certified survey map, which the Common Council will review on Nov. 26, staff added...

...The project construction budget is estimated around $19.3 million, said Travis Fauchald, the managing director of development at Volker Development. Each unit will be rent- and income-restricted between 30-80% of the area median income, he added...

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RSK: We can use more smaller infill projects like this.

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