The Inside Scoop on Outdoor Storage: The Rapid Rise of IOS

The Inside Scoop on Outdoor Storage: The Rapid Rise of IOS

The industrial outdoor storage (IOS) sector has become one of the most sought-after niches within industrial real estate in the past five years, with increasingly more institutional investors allocating funds to invest in the niche. According to the 2024 2Q PwC Investor Survey, the overall IOS market is a $200 billion market, with over $1.7 billion in institutional capital raised in the past year.

With the increased institutionalization, the sector has become more sophisticated, with more specific IOS uses being identified and as a result, distinct trends across IOS subtypes are beginning to influence real estate decisions for buyers, sellers, and users.

What Is IOS?

IOS properties are industrial properties that often have a large outdoor component, which are used for storage, heavy industrial uses, or truck and vehicle parking. Some facilities have little or no building improvements, while others have equipment service or warehousing facilities, and a small business or administrative office component. The functionality of outdoor storage facilities is related to their location and improved land area, rather than the building improvements. The outdoor storage component of the property is best suited for vehicle and equipment storage, bulk goods and containers, or finished goods...


RSK: IOS or Industrial Outside Storage is on the rise for many reasons. One of the most crucial components is the construction costs of inside storage at the moment. There are caveats however with municipalities zoning and land use issues.

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