LL Flooring becomes latest retailer swept up in wave of liquidations

LL Flooring becomes latest retailer swept up in wave of liquidations

LL Flooring is closing all its just-over 400 stores after failing to find a buyer, adding to the crowd of retailers this year that have liquidated and shut down their brick-and-mortar locations.

The Richmond, Virginia-based flooring retailer on Wednesday said it was winding down its operations with store-closing sales beginning at all its remaining stores on Friday. That announcement comes almost a month after LL Flooring filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with plans to close just 94 stores. Now, about 430 stores total will go dark...


RSK: Another "Big Box" coming available.

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 37 Date: 9/12/2024 9:01:38 AM -