`A Transformational Moment`: Will The Rise Of Women`s Sports Ripple Through Real Estate?

`A Transformational Moment`: Will The Rise Of Women`s Sports Ripple Through Real Estate?

When the National Women’s Soccer League team now known as the Seattle Reign competed in the playoff semifinals in late 2021, all Jen Barnes wanted was to go to a local bar and watch the game. She couldn’t find one that had it playing.

It was a lightbulb moment. About a year later, in December 2022, she opened Rough & Tumble Pub in Seattle, one of the first U.S. sports bars to play men’s and women’s events equally across its 18 screens. The pub was turning a profit within a few months, and this March, it brought in $250K in revenue — proof the concept, now popping up from coast to coast, has legs, Barnes said.

“There`s such a sense of joy with the women`s sports fan base at a place like Rough & Tumble because you`ve waited all your life to have a space where you can watch these games together,” she said...


RSK: I think the timing is right...but as a CRE investor, I would proceed with caution.

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