This simple idea can transform an office from a collection of cubicles into an actual community

This simple idea can transform an office from a collection of cubicles into an actual community

Across industries, from boardrooms to break rooms, the return-to-office conversation has focused on the ideal split between home and office. Corporate leaders and employees alike often cite culture and connection as reasons to gather together. But making the commute only to arrive at a sea of half-empty desks and traditional conference rooms can suck the life out of even the most devoted office attendee.

Explanations for return-to-office fallout vary from industry to industry, and company to company. But what becomes clear is that employees have been left with little to no incentive to be in the office, and in some cases will even leave their current employers to avoid it—a trend we’re seeing now at tech giants like Apple and SpaceX, but is by no means limited to one industry...

RSK: This is what is needed. What exactly should the "new office setting" become. If you only read one article, read this one.

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 23 Date: 6/4/2024 1:35:50 PM -