Office peacocking: What is it and why it`s trending

Office peacocking: What is it and why it`s trending

"Office peacocking" has been doing rounds for a while but it`s only in 2024 that it started trending among workplaces, especially with companies attempting to lure employees back to offices.

The term "office peacocking" refers to the deliberate makeover of office spaces into inviting havens that will tempt employees to spend more time there. It may involve setting up plush sofas, cozy nooks, natural light, and a lot of plants transforming the once-typical cubicle-type grid into a vibrant lounge-style setting. Some companies are also investing in fancy decor and stocked kitchens.

According to Frank Weishaupt, CEO of Owl Labs, major firms were pushed into taking these measures after they received pushback from employees following the return-to-office (RTO) mandate...


RSK: People are very clever...never underestimate them.Going into the office for a coffee break to make it look like you are working. I still say day care on or near the premises so parents can check on their kiddies, maybe even have lunch with them and above all lessen the commute...

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