Research: solar power for data centers in cold climates

Research: solar power for data centers in cold climates

A recent international study, conducted in Finland and northern Japan, analyzed how solar PV could be utilized to power data centers in cold climate regions, along with the utilization of the data center waste heat.

The study `Potential of solar photovoltaics and waste heat utilization in cold climate data centers. Case study: Finland and northern Japan` in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews assessed the potential of solar PV systems and waste heat utilization in cold climate data centers, with a case study analyzing the costs and benefits of these technologies in different sized DCs located in both Finland and northern Japan.

RSK: Be interesting to see the cost payback in a city like Minneapolis in the dead of winter. But anything to lighten the load on the grid would be helpful.

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 30 Date: 7/23/2024 2:34:26 PM -