Today’s Most-Desired Office Amenities

Today’s Most-Desired Office Amenities

A new survey by design firm SGA highlights both traditional and emerging preferences.

The top amenities currently in demand by office users are a mix of both continuing and emerging trends, including coffee shops, air-purification systems, access to outdoor space, grab-and-go/premade breakfast and lunch, and quiet lounges, a new survey by SGA has found.

SGA is a national, multi-disciplinary firm with offices in Boston and New York City and whose work spans interior design, architecture and master planning for commercial clients and life sciences, academic and mixed-use projects...


RSK: I like this...back to basics with amenities that really matter. Pet Grooming? You can have a mobile pet groomer come to your building once a week or so and have the same service rather than dedicated grooming. People need to think what is necessary and what is just a convenient wish for a one time deal.

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