In the Wake of COVID-19: Protective Actions the Retail Tenant Should Take When Faced with a Landlord’s Bankruptcy

In the Wake of COVID-19: Protective Actions the Retail Tenant Should Take When Faced with a Landlord’s Bankruptcy

Retail tenants are experiencing unprecedented difficulties stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, including government shutdown orders for non-essential businesses and shelter-in-place rules that have virtually stopped all in-person shopping. Even as these restrictions are finally being relaxed to a limited degree, the dramatic effects of the pandemic will long be felt in the retail industry. This alert addresses just one of the consequences in the wake of COVID-19: the expected rise in bankruptcy filings by commercial landlords and, as a corollary, what retail tenants should do to protect their rights and seek available remedies when faced with a landlord’s bankruptcy...   ...more

RSK: Considering the source of the article I believe they are saying...."Talk with your attorney"!

Ken Notes: Remember when we bailed out banks? Isn`t it time to return the favor, float everything at 2 or 3% until this is over. I am frustrated that once again there will be winners and losers in this mess...

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- - Volume: 8 - WEEK: 27 Date: 6/30/2020 7:22:50 AM -