18 ways restaurants are getting social distancing right

18 ways restaurants are getting social distancing right

The way we eat, where we eat, and what we eat all might change as a result of the coronavirus.

Countries around the world are beginning to lift lockdown restrictions, and people are searching for missed experiences.

  • Lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease around the world, which means cafés, bars, and restaurants are looking for ways to reopen safely.

  • From mannequins at empty tables to miniature greenhouses, restaurants have taken creative approaches to social distancing.

  • Here are restaurants around the world that have successfully found ways to serve guests while social distancing.

RSK: I love some of these options. A few are stolen from soccer leagues overseas such as mannequins at empty tables etc. but others are very clever.

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- - Volume: 8 - WEEK: 26 Date: 6/23/2020 8:29:17 AM -