Here`s What Gen Z Actually Wants In Multifamily

Here`s What Gen Z Actually Wants In Multifamily

A generation of renters raised through the Great Recession, dwindling affordability and the advent of social media is leading to new and competing approaches to marketing housing.

Generation Z, defined by Pew Research Center as people born after 1996, is now entering traditional multifamily properties, bringing tastes for smaller apartments, more practical amenities and even influencers with them. And don`t mistake them for millennials, the cohort right before them, Streetsense Director of Trends and Consumer Forecasting Jamie Sabat said.

“We see so many developers talking just about millennials," Sabat said. "But millennials are more in the age bracket where they`re having children and starting to move into the suburbs."
A generation of renters raised through the Great Recession, dwindling affordability and the advent of social media is leading to new and competing approaches to marketing housing.

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RSK: Gen Z is much more conservative fiscally then their predecessors, Millenials. Hence they do not want debt and want flexibility to move where they job might take them. Smaller spaces more amenities please. Share the rec room and kitchen works for them.

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