11 personality traits you probably didn`t know are hurting your business

11 personality traits you probably didn`t know are hurting your business

  • You can have smart, innovative ideas, but if you have a toxic personality that repels even your most loyal customers and employees, you may be singlehandedly ruining your business.

  • If you find you`re harboring any of these 11 negative personality traits, including low emotional intelligence, impatience, or managing with fear, it may be time to make some serious changes.

The success of a business is due in large part to the personalities of the people who run it. You can have the most amazing, innovative ideas, but if you have a toxic personality that repels even your most loyal customers and most diligent employees, you may be singlehandedly costing your business time and money.

1. Low emotional intelligence
2. Chronic sarcasm
3. Inflexibility
4. Not following through
5. Impatience
6. Being a control freak
7. Lacking empathy
8. Being closed-minded
9. Constant complaining
10. Managing with fear
11. Narcissism


RSK: We can all learn from this me included.
Ken Notes: Great list ... Read this and share it with you employees...

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- - Volume: 7 - WEEK: 45 Date: 11/5/2019 9:53:12 AM -